I began making infographic in 2000 when I joined the Graphics Department at Condé Nast Traveler magazine. Under the expert guidance of John Grimwade, I honed my skills in making detailed maps and diagrams over thirteen enriching years.
In 2013, I launched my own studio, specializing in infographics, icons, 3D renderings, and maps for a diverse clientele, including National Geographic, Apple, Sony, ProPublica, and VICE. My work also features regularly in Lapham’s Quarterly and Travelzoo, and I frequently collaborate with Jim McManus at Complex Stories.
I often partner with other studios and art departments on large-scale projects. One of my most notable collaborations was with National Geographic Magazine, where I worked closely with their editorial, research, and art departments to produce an award-winning 8-page gatefold graphic of the New York City skyline, an interactive version of which can be viewed here.
info@haisam.com | 718-757-0095

American Institute for Graphic Arts

Society for News Design

Freelancers Union

Webby Award,
Best Visual Design - Aesthetic, People’s Choice, 2016
National Geographic’s New New York Skyline
With John Tomanio, John Grimwade, Daniela Santamarina, and Farhana Hossain

Malofiej Infographics World Summit #24, 2016
Bronze in Printed Graphics / Features and Bronze in Online Graphics / Features
National Geographic’s New New York Skyline.
With John Tomanio, John Grimwade, Daniela Santamarina, and Farhana Hossain

Malofiej Infographics World Summit #20, 2012
Bronze award in Portfolio / Features category
Condé Nast Traveler magazine.
With John Grimwade and Joyce Pendola

Infographia Award, 2007
Prêmio Abril de Jornalismo, Brazil.
With design staff at Mundo Estranho magazine